Thursday, April 23, 2020


Don’t Give Up On Yourself

Don't give up on yourself when life gets hard. You are stronger than you think.

When life gets overwhelming, giving up feels like the easy thing to do. This is not the end. Rather, it's the beginning of something magnificent. If at first you don't succeed keep trying until you do.

Your mind will try to tell you all of the reasons why you should, but don't allow yourself to buy into these limiting beliefs. When life gets hard a lot of people look for the easy way out. As a result, they never achieve their goals and dreams in life.

As humans, we are naturally wired to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. When given a choice, most of us will seek out shortcuts and choose the easier path. Unfortunately, success is not a walk in the park. You will not get to where you want to go in life by dabbling. Nearly everything that creates value in life requires intense effort, focus, and hardship.

It's not easy to change your life. In the process of becoming a new version of yourself, there will be moments when you doubt yourself. However, you need to remember that tough times aren't meant to destroy you. Rather, they are there to encourage you to rise up and step into your power.

Greatness isn't meant only for “special” people. Instead, it's something that already resides in all of us. If you can't find a way, then make the way. I have lived my life by this philosophy and it has always served me well.

However, if you aren't willing to invest in yourself and do whatever is necessary, giving up will be the easy choice. Is that what you want? I'm going to guess no. At the end of the day, it's a choice that only you can make.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Take a moment and think about how far you've come. Do you think that you would be where you are today if you weren't strong? No way. Instead of being your own worst critic, celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. Instead of lifting themselves up, a lot of people look for reasons why they aren't where they should be. Not surprisingly, this way of thinking holds them back in life.

The next time that life tries to get you down, don't give up. Trust that the best of you is yet to come. You are 100% capable of doing more than you could have ever imagined. Believe it.

Anything Is Possible

There are successful people in this world that start out with nothing. Despite their circumstances, they were still able to achieve great feats in life. Why? Because they had the belief that anything was possible. Whatever you are striving for in life, I promise you that there is someone in the world who has already achieved it.

You create your reality. If you believe that there are limits to what you achieve in life, then you will only encounter limitations. As a result, you will always feel like giving up when things get hard. Conversely, the person that believes that the world is their oyster will try anything and everything. They will risk it all to have it all. Will you?

The worst mistake that you can ever make is giving up

Every now and then you may need a simple reminder of what your purpose in life is. The next time that you lose motivation and feel like throwing in the towel, think about all the reasons you shouldn’t give up. It may take you years to achieve your dreams and that is OK. Don't ever give up. In order to experience success, you've got to be willing to taste defeat. 

The most successful people in this world never gave up, and neither will you. Decide TODAY that you are going to be the best that you can be. This one decision could transform your entire life. When you fall down, get back up again and never lose faith in yourself.

You are stronger than you think. Believe it. Feel it. Own it.

How many times we fall is the number of times we get back up

Be A Starter, Be A Finisher, Be A Driver