Saturday, August 27, 2016


SHUZZ (pronounced shoes) is a non-profit organization that provides new shoes to the children poverty stricken areas across America and in developing countries around the world. The Shuzz foundation distributes thousands of shoes free of charge to children regardless of race, religion, class or any other criteria that are in need of a very basic tool to prevent them from risk. Their needs are simple: a pair of shoes that fit properly. This helps protect from injury and prevent disease, enhancing safety when playing, doing chores and going to school.

The mission of the Shuzz Organization is to provide new shoes to children to prevent disease, opportunity for education, enhance self-esteem, and provide athletic opportunity and disaster relief.

On Saturday, August 14, 2016 the Shuzz Fund distributed over 500 shoes for their back-2-school event held at the Renaissance Middle School in Miramar. The SHUZZ Back-2-School Shoe Drive is a two week campaign that seeks to increase awareness and raise money to purchase new sneakers and athletic cleats for children in South Florida. SHUZZ works in partnership with several organizations to identify children in need and coordinate distribution efforts.

Check out some photos of the Back-2-School distribution held on August 14, 2016 where LCTV Host and Latin Connection Magazine writer Erica Cuascut was a volunteer for the Shuzz Foundation.

To find more information about the SHUZZ Foundation:

 Photos by: Soledad Roman 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

CHI & Univision's Jomari Goyso Unveil #CHIparaMi Latino Campaign

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at the Epic Hotel in Miami, FL - Dr. Farouk Shami, Chairman and Founder of Farouk Systems Inc., announced the launch of the #CHIparaMi campaign with celebrity stylist and Univision television personality Jomari Goyso.

#CHIparaMi is an initiative designed to host seminars around the United States promoting women's empowerment along with providing beauty education to inspire. #CHIparaMi will deliver motivational content and brand exposure to the Latina market through Univision programming in Spanish that will include a media campaign along with tutorials from Jomari Goyso. In addition to this partnership, Dr. Farouk Shami, along with Jomari Goyso, will be touring the 6 cities in the United States to provide makeovers with Farouk Systems commitment to donate more than $10,000 in product monthly to Hispanic communities. 

Jomari, who is a beauty and fashion expert and co-host of Univision's evening TV show Sal y Pimienta (Salt and Pepper), Primer Impacto (First Impact) and other Univision shows, is thrilled to enter this agreement  as a spokesperson with CHI and it's founder Dr. Farouk Shami, to help deliver a message of beauty and stylish motivation to the Latino community throughout the USA. This is the first time since Jomari became a part of the Univision family that he has agreed to become a spokesperson for a beauty brand.

Dr. Farouk Shami, Chairman and Founder of Farouk systems stated that the campaign will provide the perfect platform to reach out to all Latina women to help motivate and inspire through beauty.

There were many celebrity stars posing for the cameras on the red carpet and during the event just to name a few: Francisca Lachapel (Nuestra Belleza Latina 2015), Vanessa De Roide (Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012), Linette De Los Santos (Miss Florida USA), Miss Miami Teen USA, Miss Miami USA, Jomari Goyso, Farouk Shami, Ana Patricia Gamez (Nuestra Belleza Latina 2010), Jessica Cediel, Daniella Rodriguez (Miss Texas USA) and Raul Acosta (Oro Solido). 

#CHIparaMi Latino Campaign

Photos by: LC Photography